License Code | License Type |
al | Aquaculture license |
cfc | Commercial fishing crew |
cfs | Commercial fishing single |
cpc | Commercial pelagic and anadromous crew |
cps | Commercial pelagic and anadromous single |
cs | Commercial shellfish |
csc | Commercial shrimp crew |
cso | Commercial shellfish + 70 |
css | Commercial shrimp single |
csu | Commercial shellfish under 18 |
e0 | Elver dip net |
e0c | Elver dip net crew |
e1 | Elver 1 fyke net |
e1c | Elver 1 fyke net crew |
e2 | Elver 2 fyke net |
e2c | Elver 2 fyke net with crew |
e6 | Elver dip net 1 fyke net |
e6c | Elver dip net 1 fyke net crew |
ep | Eel pot |
gc | Green crab |
la | Lobster crab apprentice |
lao | Lobster crab apprentice + 70 |
lau | Lobster crab apprentace under 18 |
lc1 | Lobster crab class i |
lc2 | Lobster crab class ii |
lc2o | Lobster crab class ii + 70 |
lc3 | Lobster crab class iii |
lc3o | Lobster crab class iii + 70 |
lco | Lobster crab + 70 |
lcs | Lobster crab student |
lcu | Lobster crab under 18 |
md | Mussel dragger |
menc | Menhaden commercial |
menr | Menhaden non commercial |
mh | Mussel hand |
mwd | Marine worm digging |
qm | Quahog (mahogany) |
scd | Sea cucumber drag |
sd | Scallop dragger |
sdi | Scallop diver |
sdt | Scallop with tender |
spt | Spat |
sub | Sea urchin dragger |
suh | Sea urchin diver |
sur | Sea urchin raking |
surf | Surf clam boat |
suwt | Sea urchin with tender |
sw | Seaweed |
sws | Seaweed supplemental |
License Networks
Harvester licenses in Maine
To focus on fishery access and harvester adaptability, we’ve removed indigenous licenses, non-residential, and post-harvest (i.e., processors, wholesalers, etc) from the data set.
Licenses Issued
Below is a time series depicting the total number of harvester licenses issued per year (line) and the number of licensed individuals per year (column)
Available licenses types change over time as new opportunities and management practices take shape and fisheries expand or close. Below is a time series depicting the amount of unique harvester license types available in a given year.
Time series of license holdings
The total amount of licenses issued per year.
Average license holdings
Below is the average number of licenses held by an individual per year. Individuals who were not assigned a landings number (NA) were included from the dataset before averages were calculated.
Annual License Network Metrics
Degree Centrality
“The degree of a node is the number of other nodes that single node is connected to.
Important nodes tend to have more connections to other nodes. Highly connected nodes are interpreted to have high degree centrality.”
“[Betweenness] ranks the nodes based on the flow of connections through the network. Importance is demonstrated through high frequency of connection with multiple other nodes. Nodes with high levels of betweenness tend to serve as a bridge for multiple sets of other important nodes.” Source
License times with high and/or increasing betweeness values may represent important “fringe” fisheries; fisheries that have a low cost of entry, use existing equipment and/or are harvested by hand. These “fringe” fisheries may serve as additional or supplemental means of income.
Annual Network Plots
Density time series and network plots are available here